
Hai everybody! New semester already started...Mommy went to MPT1393 class on 14th September 2011. It was a great class! Mommy met some old friends from mommy's previous class. And mommy was very happy because this class more practical than theory. We are asked to do a group project and upload it into UTM server. Mommy will story mory you all one-by-one, ok?

First of all, our lecturer is Dr. Noraffandy Yahya asked us to develop a web based system which are:
a) based on research
b) study the journal that had released
c) journal about computer & education
d) study about learning strategies
e) identifying the concept
f) apply instructional design and design principles

This is what mommy got from what Dr. Affandy were told us. And the below is what mommy got from Dr. Affandy's slide:

The website should contain the following aspects:
  • Application of active learning strategies. (3-5 journals)
  • Interactive application involving storage of user input data into database/file.
  • Integrating all elements of multimedia
  • Dynamic, educational and commercial quality
Journals: Computer & Education, Interacting With Computers, Computer Assisted Learning, Australian Journal of Educational Technology, Educational Technology & Society, British Journal of Educational Technology.

Mommy already search the related journal and print BUT mommy didn't read it yet.hehehe...

Ok, continue....The marking will be based on four main factors:
  • Technique in presenting the learning content
  • Interactive elements
  • Creativity and originality
  • Technical Aspect
REMINDER! Any project that are found to be the act of plagiarism, the group will automatically be given ZERO mark. The project developed for this course is NOT TAKEN from any previous/current undergraduate/postgraduate or thesis.

We also got individual assignment...haaa, see! First class we got first assignment. 

Assignment 1 (INDIVIDUAL)
Assignment refers to the development of a website evaluation from that contains some of the following construct.
  1. suitability of learning strategy
  2. suitability of interface design
  3. suitability of interaction design
  4. motivational development
  5. interest development
  6. website features/strength
  7. weakness of website

Ok, that's all for now...Mommy will update this blog every week because this blog is one of the task and had it own mark...


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