Today is mommy first class after very long holiday mommy had. hahahaha! Okey, before start the class, Dr Affandy reminded us about weekly reflection in blog, our project subject and individual assignment that we need to do. This week is WEEK 10. We are supposedly present 40% our project on WEEK 11. Meaning that, next week we must complete our project at least 40% in progress...Oh my gucci! Mommmy do not realized at all, we are in WEEK 10. How fast the time is moving. Fuhhh...Okeyh Mommy, after class, going home and set your mind to finish all the task quickly. Not only set your mind but DO IT! huhuh...
Today we learned about Visual Design. What the difference between Interaction, Information and Visual Design? It seems similar...Well, the Interaction Design is what user need and feel about it. Visual Design is like sketches, it visualize the design from information gathered and then transform it into real visual by using software. Information Design is like what information that they want to delivered to the customer.
The notes below:

After finish this topic, PRESENTATION TIME~~~~
We present what we had discuss in Week 9. We got 1 comment from other group. She ask,
"Adakah sesuai anda meletakkan banyak text di sebelah kanan itu? Bukankah kanak-kanak lebih sukakan banyak kartun daripada text?"
And this is our answered,
"Seorang kanak-kanak pra sekolah memerlukan bantuan ibu bapa untuk melayari web ini. Oleh itu, kami menyediakan dua cara untuk memudahkan ibu bapa dan juga kanak-kanak. Text di sebelah kanan membantu ibu bapa untuk mencari silibus yang anak-anak pelajari"
Well done babes! Love you all! Hehehe..
Ok, next announcement from Dr Affandy:
Next week, class will be cancel. We have replacement class on 8th December 2011 from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. Wow, 6hours straight! Hehehe...Then, prepared an individual evaluation form. To refer how to do the evaluation, here the link--->
That's all for today. This week and next week, we will trying to finish our group project...Hope it run smoothly...