Mommy so excited today because mommy very satisfied with last week assignment. Are you remember what kind of assignment we need to do??? Of course! Slide presentation by using prezi. After last discussion on facebook (online group discussion), we are ready to present. First presenter maybe??? Wow! Too excited huh?
Ok, the class begin with some theory. Why we must know the theory behind the design? It is important okeeeyyy...It is to make sure you design correctly by following the client needs. Not like you design follow your feeling.
Dr Affandy ask us, What is the purpose of web design?
- To inform or persuade users
- This is accomplished by:
a) delivering content
b) presenting the content in a way that benefits the user.
Then, Dr Affandy show us some templates and asked us to write down what we like and do not like according to the templates he had shown. We discuss together. What mommy can conclude that, before we create the template, we need an information from client. After that, we must interview them. Firstly we need to know, who the target audience, what kind of business they run and the layout they need. Then we can start the sketches.
The notes below:

Before the presentation started, Dr Affandy asked us to discuss among group members, what are the most important to observe when designing a website? Dr Affandy gave us 10 minutes to discuss and one person will present. Our group members says,
a) layout,
b) concept/target user,
c) design principles, and
d) title/header are the most important things to observe.
The exactly answer is.....USER REQUIREMENT. Oh gosh! How can mommy forgot about user requirement??? huhuhu...
Show Time~~~
We are the first presenter yo! Below is our slide presentation:

This template is our first draft.
Comment from Dr Affandy:
a) be careful with constructivism theory. You need to know more about this theory, the element of constructivism.
b) focused the level of student.
Overall, mommy feel veeeery happy because hanim said that our design cute and interesting. Thank you hanim. ngeeee :)