Hai everyone! In week 4, we have learned TWO topics which are Web Development Process and Project Management In Web Design and Production. Before start the class, Dr Affandy asked us to create a group of 3. Only 1 group will have 4 members. So, mommy's group members are:
As usual, my best ever friend, Faizah
Azaref and
"Happy working together babes!"
Okey, what we need to do is, we must choose one subject. Then, specifically into sub-topic. Make sure the subject that we choose is secondary school level. After that, we need to sit down together, make a discussion about:
a) Learning problems (need reference which from journals)
b) Solutions to learning problems
c) Learning objectives
d) Content of the website
e) Target group/audience
Lastly, create a slide presentation and put all this things into it. Oppsss! It must done by using P.R.E.Z.I okeeeyyy...:)
The class begin...Dr Affandy gave his lecture and small discussion for some topic. The notes like below:

After class finished, we decided to go to library and start the discussion. Every of us had different task. Then, Azaref create online group discussion at facebook to make sure we easy to contact.
That's all from mommy....:)